Flightech • Optimus RC Glider
The CN Models Optimus was first introduced in early 2015 and quickly established itself as one of the best quality airframes that money could buy. Now, several years later, the Optimus has also proven a popular and formidable contest winning machine. With its advanced aerodynamic design and use of the very latest carbon composite spread tow construction it has helped pilots all over the country deliver victories and podium positions in the face of stiff competition.
Made exclusively from a new super light unidirectional bi-axial carboweave spread tow material, the Optimus wing structure is extremely stiff and light with hard ding-resistant skins and stable, consistent core laminations.
The very low flying weight combined with a highly efficient wing planform and airfoil series gives the Optimus an outstanding all round performance and a fast climb rate in thermals. Great care has been taken to ensure optimum performance in both thermal and distant flight and the Optimus has gained an enviable reputation for its ability to penetrate stronger winds and return from downwind thermals yet slow down and float when conditions dictate thus making it the ideal choice for established and aspiring F5j and Esoaring competitors alike. Non contest pilots will appreciate its smooth safe handling, easy to attain performance, and outstanding quality of finish.

High performance F5j Esoarer. Latest Bi-Axial spread tow carbon construction.
Ready to fly from 1300g.
Large choice of colours and designs.

Complete with full hardware pack including wiring loom and high quality pushrods and clevises.

All moving cross-tail for easy trimming
Integrated bushings for accurate slop free operation
Tails constructed using the latest carbon free-flight technology for extreme stiffness and light weight

Beautifully produced factory wing bags supplied as standard with all models.